We Need To Talk About ‘Democracy’

None of the Above UK

In light of the 2015 general election result, the almost 75% of the population who didn’t vote for the new Conservative government appear to fall into two distinct camps. There are those so angered by the outcome that they are prepared to take to the streets and demand the right to somehow overrule or otherwise undermine the result. Then there are those who simply shrug their shoulders and say: ‘Well what can you do, that’s democracy for you!” But is it?

Regardless of which party you support, could those refusing to take the result lying down perhaps have a point? In a word: yes.

The central premise behind the political idea of democracy is that the consent of the governed must be sought and obtained by those who would govern before they can take office. If the majority consent, then they have achieved this. People consent by voting. Whether your…

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1 thoughts on “We Need To Talk About ‘Democracy’

  1. The SNP enjoyed up to a 80 per cent turnout to vote in Scotland, which included for them 16 to 18 year olds with the right to vote.

    In England, the idea that not voting is a protest, took hold and so the non-voters won again this year, as they did in 2010.

    A Tory voter will have always been a Tory voter. A few voted for the second hand Tory that was a UKIP MP.

    It is Labour voters who do not turn out the most to vote and who do not bother to register to vote.

    New Labour has now lost two general elections, because they are Tory Lite.

    Now Labour is saying they lost the general election because they were not right wing enough and this is what all the Labour leader candidates are saying.

    We had the biggest number of candidates in this election (entirely ignored by the national press and TV news) of true socialist parties than in the last 60 years. But they got absolutely nowhere.

    Because they were too communist, too soon.

    Nationalising all business and banks frightened folk off.

    So there is this yawning gap in England of a party for all the people on welfare, in or out of work, of all ages. And for pensioners.

    The 70 per cent.

    But as it takes 20 years even if you have the richest people on earth backing you to get anywhere, as seen with the example of UKIP, democracy has died.

    Only big anti-austerity marches as big as they have been in Spain and elsewhere, done again and again and again will bring people together. Til the press have to take notice.

    Not to change how people think of people on benefit. That is now a discrimination that is rock solid.

    The poor are the 70 per cent now. As Gandhi said, government rules by consent of the governed.

    As we are the 70 per cent, we can withdraw that consent.

    At no time in history has leaving the poor to starve been a good idea by the rich. They know that history. The politicians do not.

    Tories got about 25 per cent of the voters. Labour got less than that.

    The SNP in Scotland had a landslide victory because they were anti austerity and helped the poor and saved its devolved NHS.

    Plaid Cymru saved it Welsh devolved NHS, but the public did not know the NHS is devolved in Wales. So only 3 MPs. But their Welsh parliament hopes to devolve welfare to Wales, as Scotland has done, passing Scottish own welfare law.

    So London and the England cities will see some fun.

    This knackered old woman is staying home, but watching with interest from my little protest at my total loss of state pension after being this ‘hard working’ person.

    The Tory wives will get hit by the flat rate pension changes that wipe out state pension for them, in huge numbers, and also for a lot of men, in or out of work.

    The more this is spread by word of mouth as well as social media, it is another means to show up the Tories and ask why Labour never fought this law in 5 years of Tory rule.


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