#Smokinggun – email proves May lied re Surrey #sweetheartdeal


As if any more information was needed that Theresa May lied to the House of Commons – a resignation offence – when she claimed there was no ‘sweetheart deal’ with Surrey County Council to persuade one of the richest councils in England to cancel a planned referendum on a huge council tax rise, the proverbial ‘smoking gun’ has now come to light.

smoking gunMrs May accused Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn of making up ‘alternative facts’ about Surrey during PMQs (Prime Minister’s questions), stating that she had ‘destroyed’ his claims, in spite of the clear evidence of leaked text messages. By doing so, she committed the ‘cardinal sin’ of parliamentary politics and is honour-bound to resign.

If she had any honour.

Any imagined ‘wiggle room’ – already a forlorn hope after the release of a recording of Surrey CC head David Hodge describing his experience of discussions with Cabinet-level government ministers about…

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