Homelessness. An issue that needs addressing immediately. The hidden secret on our streets.

The poor side of life

lve been very concerned by the rise of homelessness for a long time now. It’s an issue that won’t go away, infact its increasing at such a rapid rate that is unbelievable considering that we are the 6th richest country in the world. What is astonishing is the fact that many local authorities including my own don’t even attempt to fix it or even attempt a temporary solution. This government has made a sustained attack upon the poor for such a long time now that the poorest in society are too weak to fight against it.

The way that local authorities count the number of homeless people is wrong. If you have a cardboard box over your head or a blanket, if you are sofa surfing then you are not considered homeless. If your a single man or woman your not a priority for housing or help. Finding has been…

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