From the ass’s mouth: Chris Leslie’s #BBCSP inanity gives #silentcoup away


In September, the SKWAWKBOX broke the story of the ‘silent coup‘ planned and attempted at Labour’s annual conference in Liverpool, in which Labour’s right-wing faction attempted to exploit and break the party’s rules to seize control of its National Executive Committee (NEC), only a day after the failure of the Blairite-driven leadership challenge was announced.

Clearly Progress, Labour First and the rest operate a ‘chain-plotting’ policy, because ‘Silent coup 2‘ has been underway for some time. It’s been obvious to knowledgeable observers for a while, but today’s performance on today’s BBC Sunday Politics programme by Progress ‘gloominary’, former Shadow Chancellor and habitual whiner Chris Leslie crystallised the modus operandi in a way that anyone can perceive who takes the time to look.

“Straight from the horse’s ass’s mouth”, if you will.

Leslie, who looks and sounds more like a Playdough figure animated by used dishwater and…

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